

To wash by hand suggests that you should restrain from getting involved in the personal affairs of others at the present time.

To wash in a machine in the dream indicate san unexpected vacation or change of location.

To dream washing hands; and or, face predicts a pleasant new friendship in the offing.

To wash your hand in a basin symbolizes repentance or self-justification.
To wash cloth in the dream portends truth in your undertakings.

To see unwashed cloth ( dirty ) in the dream means you should beware of false doctrine, error in the making and insincere apology.

To see your husband washing clothes of his sister in the dream means there is a strange overwhelmed influence on your marital life.



To see one in your hand signifies approaching money, the more warts the more money.

If in the dream you see warts on other parts of your body,they are a warning that your generosity is likely to land you in hot water, so try to sidestep any current requests for help.

If your dream featured warts on others they symbolize hidden hostility where you least expect it. Be on guard.



In the spirit warehouse represent treasure, prosperity and breakthrough.

If you dream of a well-stocked warehouse it symbolizes prosperity, abundance and joy.

To dream of partly full one portends slow but sure progress

To dream of empty or deserted warehouse foretells more struggle to overcome, poverty or lack.



In the spirit wand, represent authority or security.

To see one in the dream foretells you will play a more important part in life than you expect. Pray fervent prayer that brings to pass goodness in life.



It foretellsdouble dealing among friends, and between couples. The focal point is, you won’t have many luxuries, but you will never lack the necessities

If you dream the walnuts came out of the shell unbroken you will be especially lucky in love.



To see variety of. these. flowers in the dream portends happiness.

To dream of being one in the social sense is a good omen and predicts an increase in popularity.



In the spirit wallet represent treasure, precious,valuable.

To lose your wallet in the dream means you are likely to be faced with an unexpected dilemma.

To find a wallet, is a dream of contrary as it signifies gain if empty, but loss if full.

To be offered empty one signifies spiritual bankruptcy.



To wail in the dream means difficulty and tribulations on the way.



In the spirit wall represent, obstacle, defense, limitation,strong barrier.

If you dreamed of jumping over one, you will achieve success through your own determination.

To dream of walking along the top of a wall, suggest you should expect bright future.

To see broken wall in the dream means leaked secrets,weakness to overcome a situation.

To dream of seeing yourself inside a walled environment suggest you are under spiritual captivity.

To be surrounded by wall of fire in the dream portend divine intervention, glory, security.



To walk in the dream with ease signifies an easy triumph.

If you walk with difficulty, it means you will still overcome your obstacles but it will require determined effort. Pray for-divine power to uproot and destroy every obstacle on your way of progress.

To walk about flower garden portends joy and pleasantry.



To see a waiter or waitress, mean news of illness of a friend or relative.



The dream depends greatly on the details which must correlate to the action. Generally, to dream of your own waist reflects financial resources.

To dream of someone else’s waist relates to financial situation of a friend which you may berequested to help or to celebrate with.



To drive or ride on one in the dream is a warning against making hasty purchases or investments.

If the wagon was loaded (especially with hay), it predicts an unexpected increase in material wealth or a windfall of money.



If you dream Paying wages expect likely burden in the near future, or warning to guard against loss.

To dream receiving. wages, foretells good expectations,joy and happiness.



To dream of a web portends snares, lies and warning against getting involved in any form of trouble. Pray against wrong step that may land you in troubles.



In the spirit wade means love, friendship, and or, fear.

If the condition of the water was clear and clean, It signifies happiness in love and or, pleasure with true friends. If you dream one that is muddy or murky, it portends undeligheted.



Water in a dream often has something important to communicate, just as it does in waking life. Consider the various ways we interact with water: We depend on water for life, our emotions flow through our tears, we are carried in water before we’re born, some religious traditions use water in rituals of initiation and purification.

In a dream, water can appear in many forms, each having a particular meaning. It might signify a tidal wave of emotion, or being immersed in your deeper feelings, or your own soul recognizing a fresh start, or perhaps a place where your waking life is stagnant.

Dream Tending teaches you to become curious about the particular details of the water that you encounter in order to connect with what is uniquely true for you and this image.

Seeing water in dream

The meaning depend on the details and the action.

To see clear calm water in the dream is a favorable omen.

To see rough or murky water signifies difficulties.
A dream of drinking cold water is a sign of good luck and joy
Tothrow or spill it on anyone indicates a need to control your temper.

To bath with dirty water in the dream mean pollution, hatred and ill-luck.

To bath with clean water means cleansing and or acceptance.
Hot water indicates a season of social or business setbacks.

To dream of running water predicts lasting happiness.

A waterfall in your dream forecasts a happy rise in status or an imminent increase in material wealth.

A gently flowing water promise contentment and peace of mind.

To drink dirty water in the dream mean affliction or downward trend in spirit.

To get drown means tribulation too close.

To see water source in the dream mean prosperity and or abundance.

To dream of pipe borne water running in the dream means prosperity.

To see a dry tap mean financial setback.